Successful Resolution Stories

What I Learned From A Year of Resolutions

It can be easy to have a love-hate relationship with yearly resolutions. They can be lofty January fitness regimens that don’t fit into our daily schedule or aspirational whims to visit every coffee shop in your city. On the other hand, resolutions can be a grounding ethos guiding our professional and personal goals, lighting the pathway for learning and growth. In 2023, I sought to apply effective resolutions to my work as a conflict mediator and business coach at EVOCrh, and I am happy to share with you some of the key learnings that came with the year’s journey.   

One of my key resolutions was to clarify the conflict resolution process through empowering workplace training. A client testimonial stated, “You have clarified the real issues and the solutions to address confusing situations.” Uncertainty is usually the first and most crucial barrier for managers to overcome on the pathway toward positive engagement with professional disputes. It is encouraging to see my clients’ progress in our training and the positive impact of my resolution to translate expertise into simple, actionable steps. “Harassment prevention training is participator and captivating. As a manager, I understood quickly how intervening in a dispute is easier from the first manifestation. Thank you for your training!” says another client testimonial.   

My second resolution was to help workplace leaders develop independent mechanisms to transform their long-term approaches to conflict resolution. In a testimonial, one of my clients said, “With Caroline’s support, we have found the tools to prevent and intervene during conflicts in our professional environment.” Seeing clients benefit from my help during our training or mediation sessions and converting this information into long-term change confirms my conviction in the positive impact of approaching client partnerships with a proactive method. “Your human approach and the tools you gave me during our coaching sessions have completely changed how I manage my professional relationships,” an affirming client testimonial.   

Lastly and most vitally, in 2023, I resolved to engage with all my work in professional mediation and business coaching through a human-focused approach. A human approach signifies the importance of creating spaces for communication centered around respect and empathy. One client testimonial explained, “Caroline’s approach is human and respectful. For once, I felt understood. We never would have been able to resolve the conflict situation without her contribution.” When people are in disputes, with emotions of vulnerability or anger running high, the most powerful step towards resolution can be as simple as reminding the individual that they are not alone. This year, I sought to foster safe spaces for open dialogue and inspire professional teams to develop more meaningful avenues for discussing professional differences. “The listening and compassion you demonstrated throughout the mediation allowed us to find our solutions and peace at work,” remarks a thankful client.   

Reflecting upon my resolutions and EVOCrh’s client testimonials in 2024, I can impart two key insights to companies for addressing employee conflict in 2024. The first insight is to nurture respectful workplace relationships proactively.   Promoting respectful relationships has become essential for attracting and retaining the workforce in professional environments. Organizations must demonstrate concrete prevention actions and intervene when behaviors do not align with the company culture. Company leaders must remember that policies are only part of prevention, and daily actions will always speak louder.   

The second insight is the value of risk management. Managers should be aware that without intervention, company conflicts have high risks through their impact on both human resources and costs, ranging from absenteeism and resignations to high turnover and negative company image. The network of relationships in a workplace is much like an organism, and unresolved conflict is like a virus. The knock-on effect on your business’s overall health can be significant and integral. On the upside, the benefits of comprehensive harassment training and conflict mediation are much like a vaccine. They can treat the virus and ensure health and resilience for your company and employees long into the future.   

The core takeaway I wish to impart from these insights is the importance we place on the holistic value of workplace relationships. In my experience, most conflicts begin with the subjects expressing they do not feel the relationship is important. However, the more the involved parties do the work to communicate and reflect upon their conflict, they realize that the relationship is essential because it impacts every aspect of a person’s life. The interconnected nature of workplace relationships is present at the individual and organizational levels. The more we prioritize our shared experiences, the more we will thrive as professionals and people.   

My 2023 resolutions taught me how critical it is to reflect on our personal and professional values to understand how to improve our conflict resolution skills and adapt them to different environments. The invaluable feedback I received from clients last year has allowed me to contemplate my approach and adapt my tools for the new year. In particular, the interactive capacity of EVOCrh’s training expanded with the integration of software that allowed real-time participant feedback. The feedback we received on enhanced interactivity and digital integrations was very positive. Going into 2024, EVOCrh plans to meet the demand for interactive online training by developing this software further, enabling personalized large-group training and virtual workshops adaptable to your organization’s unique needs.    I am proud of the feedback I received from my clients in 2023 and grateful for their trust in me to support professional growth through challenging situations. Our approach at EVOCrh revolves around attentive listening, respect, and solutions, embodying my main objective and resolution of 2023: to create a safe working environment for everyone.


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